Tag Archives: Curt

Leisure Town

Well, it’s official. We heard from the property manager today–we’re moving to Vacaville. And get this… the name of our new street is Leisure Town Road. Awww yeah, baby!

When we were looking for a new place to live I saw the name of the street and immediately knew that was the place for me. Oh hell yeah, I want to live in Leisure Town!

And Vacaville is about 40 minutes from work, and 30 minutes from Sacramento. We’re out of the Bayarrhea, but just barely. One hour from Jeff, Scott, Jimmy, and Curt in Roseville! Two hours from Truckee! Two hours from the cabin in Strawberry! 100 minutes from Jimmy’s ranch in Elk Creek! And we’re a little over an hour from Yuba City!

I’m so excited! I wish we were moving tomorrow, but we have to wait another two weeks. Leisure Town… that’s so damn cool… love that name.

Ahhhh… I can barely contain my excitement =)