
I’ve got 5 folders of pics to create albums for and upload. I’m working on it! I reckon they’ll be up by tomorrow afternoon, but don’t hold me to that…

I spent a few days last week with the family up in Truckee at the cabin. Many pics to follow.

I left a day early to do some bassin’ with Dave. Dave bought a new lure and just knocked them dead, like every other cast. It was sick. I managed to catch ONE bass. Hey at least I didn’t get skunked.

This was supposed to the opening weekend for deer hunting, and I was supposed to spend it with my buddies at a cabin up by Willows. But alas, I came down with the sickness on Thursday. I still feel like crap, so I’m still home. Bleah.

Bored. Sick. Tired. Cranky.