I’ve been a busy little gun owner this week.
I bought a brand new 7mm magnum rifle on Monday. It’s a Savage, synthetic stock, with scope. I get to pick it up next Friday. I’m at little more than excited. I can’t wait!
Yesterday I woke up at 3am. I drove up to my favorite spot, drank some coffee, and watched the sun come up. I brought all 3 of my handguns, my shotgun, clay launcher, and a shitload of ammo. It took a couple hours, but I used it all up. It felt great.
I also renewed my NRA and CRPA (California Rifle and Pistol Association) memberships this week. I gave the NRA a little extra too. I am a responsible, law-abiding gun owner. I should be able to buy and own any gun I want to. Hell, I should even be able to carry a concealed weapon if I so please. These groups are the only ones fighting for my rights in an irrational, rabid, anti-gun society, and so I support them as best I can.
And finally, I bought my hunting license, a book of boar tags, and two deer tags this week. I can’t wait for October.