Hi The Silver Fox!

The Silver Fox showed up around 9pm last night. We sat around my house for a bit; bullshittin’ and drinkin’ Coors Light.

Janden and Kellie called–the All-Stars were on their way to U-bar for $1 pint night. So we walked downtown to meet them.

It was a pretty mild night, as far as The Silver Fox trips go. Nothing crazy happened, although we did get pretty drunk.

We shut down the U-bar. As we were walking out The Silver Fox remarked that this was the first time we had ever stayed in one place the whole night.

We walked down the street, passing the Scrounge and Duffy’s. After some breakfast at Jack’s we headed home.

“I slept in until 3pm today dude, I’m not tired.”

Neither was I. We drank the rest of the booze in my house and watched “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly”. We finally fell asleep around 6am.

At noon we got up and had lunch at Burger Hut. Then The Silver Fox went home.

Boring huh? No crazy black-out, fall-down, lose your shoes story this time. That’s not to say that it wasn’t fun. It’s always fun hanging out with The Silver Fox. This trip was pretty laid back, relaxing–but no less fun.