Voice: finish your paper, Tom.
Uuuurrrnnnrrhhhh… shut up… reading….
Voice: it’s due tomorrow, Tom, and it’s getting late.
alsdkfjenadf UHHHHH
Voice: it’s almost midnight, were you going to finish that paper or just take an ‘F’?
I can’t ever seem to start my projects early. I always wait until the last minute, then start in. I thrive on the tension, the stress. I feel like my mind is more clear, more focused, and that my writing is much better when I procrastinate.
This English class though, is really messing with my method. Each time we meet we have to show some progress on the paper. First the intro, then an outline, then an anecdote, then some jibber jabber. It’s throwing me off.
Now it’s the day before the paper is due. I’ve got to take all this crap I’ve written in bits and pieces and try to make it all work. Arrrgh, my brain doesn’t work like this. I’m wasting sooo much time rearranging everything. If she would just let me do things my way it would be much better.
Typically I spend several weeks thinking about my topic, doing the research and all the readings, and letting it all sink in. Then the day before it’s due I sit down and crank it all out. Everything is organized in my mind. She’s making me fight my biology.
It’s almost 3am. (Big sigh) I’m a night person, I always have been. My brain wants to stay up late and sleep in. I can’t, I just CAN’T go to bed early. It doesn’t matter how exhausted I am. My natural rhythm has always been between 2am-4am sleeptime and wake up around 10am-Noon. But I fight it. I try to get up early and go to bed early. All this accomplishes is 3 hours of tossing and turning and 5 hours of sleep. I need to quit fighting my body and just accept it.
I hate this crap.