It's OK to be alone

“Ordinary men hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe.”

Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu (580-600 B.C.)

I was laying in bed last night, thinking yet again about stuff…

We are taught from birth to be social creatures. We are encouraged to play with other kids, to share, etc. In school we are taught to work in groups. In the workplace we are placed in teams and committees. It is considered a normal progression of adulthood to get married.

I say it’s OK to be alone. I’ve always cherished my time alone. It’s not something everyone understands. Most of my ex-girlfriends have been rather needy, and unaccepting of my desire for solitude from time to time. Indeed, in the past I have felt guilty for just wanting to be left alone.

Is it not unhealthy to need constant companionship? So many people I know are incapable of functioning in social situations without their friends or lovers, their security blankets. This lack of independence I think is unhealthy.

My friend Dave likes to say, “There’s a big difference between being alone and being lonely.” I agree with this statement. Just because I live alone, have no wife or kids, etc. doesn’t mean I’m lonely. I prefer it this way. I’m comfortable with my life.

When was the last time you were truly alone? Have you gone for a walk in the woods or on the beach by yourself? How about sitting in a coffee shop or visiting a book store alone? Everyone needs “me” time. Don’t neglect yourself.